International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Rounds 11

I-GeMH rounds are intended to connect participants interested in geriatric mental health and become a forum for sharing resources as well as cross-promotion.


How to best integrate e-resources into clinical care and education

Presented by: Dr. Anthony J. Levinson, MD, FRCPC, MSc, MA


Director, Division of e-Learning Innovation

John R. Evans Chair in Health Sciences Educational Research and Instructional Development Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences

Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University


Learning Objectives:


1. Describe key features of evidence-informed instructional design for e-learning

2. Use educational prescriptions to adopt a ‘blended’ teaching approach, building on current patient education strategies

3. Integrate specific online resources into practice to complement patient- and family-centred care best practice guidelines


Please join us on January 19, 2024 at 8 am Eastern Standard Time for the next International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Education Network Rounds. 


Click here to register via


Additional information is listed in the flyer below.

I-GeMH Rounds Flyer 19-01-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB