International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Rounds

I-GeMH rounds are intended to connect participants interested in geriatric mental health and become a forum for sharing resources as well as cross-promotion.


Cannabinoid Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease: Ready for Prime Time?

Presented by: Dr. Nathan Herrmann MD FRCPC

Director of Psychopharmacology Services Merchavim Center for Mental Health Professor, Faculty of Medicine Department of Psychiatry University of Toronto


Educational Objectives:

1. To understand why we might consider using cannabinoids for Alzheimer's Disease.

2. To review the literature on cannabinoid treatment of agitation in dementia.

3. To determine the current place of cannabinoid therapy in Alzheimer's disease


Please join us on May 19, 2023 at 8 am Eastern Standard Time for the next International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Education Network Rounds. Participants will receive a certificate for CME credits after each session.


Click here to register:


Additional information is listed in the flyer below.

I-GeMH Rounds 2023-05-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 228.0 KB